Banner Space Center OF SPACE


Astronaut Bob
June 25 - 29

Space Capsules
All Summer!

Atlas V Rocket Liftoff
August 6, 10 A.M.



Astronaut Bob Cenker, Capsules that have been in space, Atlas V Rocket Launch


Space Shuttle Astronaut Bob Cenker

Various Astronaut Encounter times throughout the day; Lunch with an Astronaut begins at 12:00 PM daily.

Guests have the opportunity to come face-to-face with a real astronaut every day of the year. This half-hour, interactive Q&A-oriented program aims at inspiring children and adults alike to strive for excellence.

This featured astronaut will also be appearing at Lunch with an Astronaut on these dates.

Come see capsules that have actually gone into space!

(For a limited time this summer!)

We have borrowed actual spacecraft from NASA! These spacecraft have been into the great unkown.

The journey into space begins with the film "On Human Destiny" at the Destiny Theater. Artifacts and hardware on display in the Starship Gallery trace the progression of America's Manned Space Flight. This incredible collection includes: an original model of the Goddard Rocket; the actual Mercury Atlas 9 "Faith 7" capsule flown by Gordon Cooper; the Gemini V Spacecraft piloted by Pete Conrad and Gordon Cooper; a Lunar Roving Vehicle Trainer, the Apollo 17 Command Module, the giant Skylab Trainer, and the Apollo-Soyuz Trainer.

Atlas V rocket launch into space!Atlas V

The new generation, the Atlas V, is the worthy successor to the 100 percent successful Atlas II and III programs. Built modularly with flightproven elements, Atlas V has followed a carefully executed program of incremental improvements resulting in 100 percent mission success. Providing our customers maximum flexibility, capability, and reliability has been the foundation of the Atlas program, which has logged nearly 600 launches to date.